feng shui 

energy reading

Feng Shui is more than a design choice; it’s a transformative practice that aligns your home’s energy with your deepest aspirations. It’s about creating a space where positive energy flows freely, enhancing your well-being and supporting your life goals.

when the energy is off…

Do you feel low vibes, stuck, or bored with your space and the day-to-day routine?

Are you frustrated with trying different ways to improve your life that don’t seem to make a real difference in how you feel?

Do you wish there was a way to have your space working for you instead of you working on it? 

With a deep understanding of the energetic flow within environments, I will guide you through the intricacies of Feng Shui, helping you to understand what is happening within your home and how this is actually impacting your personal energy.

Together, we'll work toward the goal of cleansing, clearing, decluttering, decorating, and energetically adjusting your space so that you can manifest the life and home you desire. It is a journey - and one that takes intentionality and both physical and transcendental adjustments. 

Think of me as your home “life coach” or your “manifestation guide” - either way, we'll ensure that every adjustment is meaningful and impactful, ultimately helping you manifest a life you love that is full of ease and abundance.

Lexie J. Rayburn

your spiritual home guide

In 2014, I began a mindfulness practice through yoga teacher training, which ignited my passion for the mind-body connection. The challenges of postpartum depression and the transformative experience of motherhood led me to a profound spiritual awakening. This journey guided me to achieve Feng Shui certification, start my holistic interior design business, and explore practices such as guided intuition, Reiki, tarot, numerology, astrology, and even EFT/TFT.

Today, as your dedicated guide and coach, I am thrilled to offer a unique blend of Feng Shui wisdom, space clearings, Reiki, and intuitive guidance to help you elevate your life and surroundings. Through personalized coaching sessions and the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui, we’ll work together to create spaces that vibrate with positive energy and unlock the potential for meaningful change in every aspect of your life. 

Whether you seek clarity in your personal or professional journey, a home that supports your well-being, or a holistic approach to life’s challenges, you’re in the right place. I’m genuinely grateful that you’ve found your way to my page, and regardless of where your journey is meant to take you, I wish you all the best.

Align Your Environment, 

Elevate Your Life

unlocking potential

By intentionally arranging your living or workspace to optimize the flow of energy, Feng Shui creates an atmosphere that supports personal growth and self-discovery. This practice is more than just arranging furniture; it is a holistic approach to aligning your surroundings with your aspirations.

By embracing Feng Shui principles, you invite an auspicious energy into your space, encouraging a harmonious connection between your inner self and the world around you, ultimately unlocking your fullest potential.


Incorporating principles such as proper furniture placement, color harmony, and clutter reduction, Feng Shui promotes a sense of tranquility and balance. As your surroundings align with positive energy, stress is reduced, and a calm atmosphere is cultivated, positively impacting sleep quality, focus, and emotional resilience. 

Embracing Feng Shui is not merely a design choice; it is a holistic approach to enhance your overall wellbeing, fostering a harmonious connection between you and your environment.


By strategically arranging and optimizing your living or workspace, this ancient practice taps into the flow of prosperity-inducing chi. Feng Shui principles, such as placing symbols of wealth and enhancing your wealth corner, decluttering financial spaces will work synergistically to attract abundance.

Aligning your spaces with the energy of prosperity promotes a mindset of abundance, supporting your financial goals and aspirations. 

nurture your soul and empower your path
to fulfillment

Discover how the ancient art of Feng Shui can harmonize your living environment, bring clarity to your goals, and open doors to new opportunities. In this journey, you’ll explore how subtle shifts in your space can lead to profound changes in your life, guided by timeless principles and intuitive insights. Join me to learn how you can create a home that not only supports your well-being but also aligns with your deepest aspirations.




A 30-minute guided discussion, where we’ll dive into your current living situation, explore your goals for the consultation, and introduce you to the core principles of Feng Shui to set the foundation for our work together.


A 1.5-hour comprehensive home reading, where we’ll analyze the energy flow in your space, provide tailored Feng Shui recommendations, and help you make meaningful adjustments to align your environment with your personal aspirations.


You will receive a recording of our session along with detailed notes that summarize the recommendations made and the practical steps for implementing Feng Shui adjustments to enhance the energy in your home.



Enhance your Feng Shui consultation with a Space Clearing and Reiki Session. In this addition, I will perform a thorough space clearing to release any lingering negative energy from your home and provide a calming Reiki session to balance and rejuvenate the chi of your space. Experience a renewed sense of peace and harmony as we fill your environment with positive energy.


Explore deeper insights into your personal journey with a tailored Tarot Reading. This add-on offers a personalized tarot session where we delve into your current challenges, opportunities, and future possibilities. Gain clarity and guidance to complement the Feng Shui adjustments made during our consultation.


Discover how the stars align with your personal life through a Nine Star Ki Astrology Reading. This add-on provides an in-depth look at your astrological chart based on Nine Star Ki astrology and numerology, offering unique insights that complement your Feng Shui consultation and support your personal growth.

your home is a mirror and it's reflecting you.